Hello everyone
The day before yesterday I went to the local electronic-music- accessory-store to look after an alternative to the monome, since it is quite impossible get one from the official store. So as I got there the salesman showed me akai's apc and novation's launchpad, both without the functions of the great monome. The guy then recommended me to go online and try to find a patch which could emulate the ''monome''.
There were some patches, but the most good ones were only useable with maxforlive, and as a student I already had a hard time purchasing live. THEN all of a sudden...pd. I was expecting some crazy code language, but after an hour I nearly shat brix.I did this little patch (took me like 5h) today and am now asking you to give me a little feedback.
Thanks for reading and/or checking out the patch.
And please remember, I'm new to this.
Have a nice evening