Hi all,
I have made a clonewheel organ. I have based my design as far as possible on information I found on the internet.
To me it is usable (at least when there is no real organ nearby to compare with) and anyone is free to use it as is.
But, it doesnt really compare with the real thing, even though I never had the pleasure to laid my hands on one.
Any suggestions on improvements are very welcome!
Things included in my simulation:
- tonewheel frequencies rather than the normal note frequencies
- percussion effect
- keyclick (I do think its very good though)
- vibrato and chorus scanner (found very little info on this - and it sucks!)
- rotary speaker emulation
- ability to store 4 presets
Things I know it is lacking:
- tonewheel waveform is simplified to a sinewave
- crosstalk (have not found any good info on this)
I have made a input controller that fit my midi-gear to get quick access to the drawbars, presets, overdrive and the leslie. I could recommend anyone that want to use it to make such a thing themselves. Use the command inlet for each abstraction to control it.
It should work with pd-extended.