So on my novation launchpad i want to light the LED's, i've been trying to get 'em to light for more than a second and i've tried metro's and toggle's here is what i have that i keep trying to get to work: it lights the 5th button of the top row for about a second, here's what i have:
Novation Launchpad LED's
Never used Launchpad, but I'm guessing you need to give [makenote] a duration argument. It's in milliseconds, so if you want one second use something like [makenote 16 1000] (the first argument is velocity). Or send a time in the third inlet.
it holds for about a second on its own now i just need it to stay lit
is there any way to set it to go until I click the toggle again?
just go straight into the noteout and don't use makenote..
yes. just sen a message with two values straight to [noteout]
for example [0 62] to noteout sets the first pad to full yellow. [0 0] turns it off.
alright thanks! but I've reached another point where i'm stuck. the buttons on the right light with the color they are going to create on the main 8x8 grid the top right is blank to erase and the others are red, green and yellow. when i press any button except the button second down on the far right it sets to 0 and it always erases even when i have pushed down the second down, far right button which it sets to 15 here's the patch as a pic:
for the actual pd patch email me at if you want to see it for yourself
You can attach the patch to your post. The easier you make it for us, the more likely you'll get help.
I know this is an oldish thread but I figured I'd post how I control the LEDs as I just figured it out. The attached example turns the top left corner LED on and off.