still quite new to pd~(please redirect if this post isn't in the right place), I have been trying for some time to resolve the problem of saving presets and states for the patches I have built.
Allthough I have come to some conclusions (writing qlists through parallel sets of send/returns, saving arrays, ...), I still seem to be stuck, and so hereby cry out for help ...
On the internet I come across things like RRAD or sssad or OSC, but am not really sure what they are, and i usually try to (at least during the learning process) use built in objects and my own patching rather than blindly using better patchers systems and libraries....
Can anyone help me? is there an object or trick (something tells me there might be a solution in arrays) or patching system to be able to save many values (in GUIs but also number boxes) for chosen parameters, without loosing abtraction and dollarsigns structure? If using externals like ssad is really necesary, which should i chose? ......
this is my first post in this forum, hope it's not misplaced.... if i can help anyone, i'm more keen on granular synthesis and audiodigitals than pd~, but hey...