I have a patch I am distributing with some other software. The patch uses some .ogg files. I want to package it all in a directory together, so users can copy from an archive (.dmg on the mac) to a directory, and run the patch easily.
So my patch needs to be able to find my ogg files. [open ./file.ogg( doesn't work--the . is relative to the local directory where pd is invoked if you do it from the command line, not the directory where the patch is. I don't want to ask users to use the command line.
[~/dir/file.ogg( doesn't seem to work either: oggread doesn't seem to be able to translate ~ into /Users/username.
I'm using v 0.40. I 'm running Mac OSX 10.5.5.
So how would I do this? I need to make it simple for end users.