I am looking for some object that remaps one number range (i.e. 0-127) into other range (i.e. 40-15000) I know that something like that exists in MaxMsp. Do you know if there is something similar in puredata?
Tanhk you very much iun advance
Remap range?
I am looking for some object that remaps one number range (i.e. 0-127) into other range (i.e. 40-15000) I know that something like that exists in MaxMsp. Do you know if there is something similar in puredata?
Tanhk you very much iun advance
you could just multiply it.
[/127] or whatever your value range is.
problem though: if you are using midi as your input, you will only get 128 discrete steps.
in which case you will want to use [line] to ramp between them.
puredata punx http://www.cyberpunki.biz
Thank you godinpats... I´ll try it...
boy, I wonder if it worked.... ..... ........
any technology distinguishable from magic
is insufficiently advanced.
i love you number gods
thank you for being so kind
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