I've been reading posts on this forum for a while and post to the pd-list. I thought I'd finally post some patches/info here. : my pd-powered music/performance project : robotcowboy patches for you
Most of the objects have guis with sssad state saveable parameters.
* rc-drumsseqs: sequencers with velocity values
* rc-patternbuddy: pattern save and load to sequencers
* rc-chipwave~: a chiptunes emulator built around Phill Phelp's chipwave~ example
* rc-wavetable~: a wavetable gui osc
* rc-sample~: oneshot sampler with reverse and speed control
* rc-arp: the arpeggiator from Tod Winkler's Composing Interactive Music
* rc-openclose: open and close patches (useful for playlists)
* rc-count: yet another counter (no pd external is complete without one)
* a bunch of utility wrappers (sfplay~, rc-spigot~, etc)
* blahblahblah ... the list grows
I also use pd with a wearable computer running Ubuntu. If you need help/scripts, etc for automating pd with input devices, etc I might be able to help. I haven't gotten around to documenting everything yet.
Also for Linux/Ubuntu, rc-unitd: an OSCulator-like joystick/wiimote event deamon. No fancy gui yet, but you can edit the text files to set your own osc addresses for each joystick. Oh and handles hot plugging.
End of Line.