Hi to all! I'm looking for recommendations of musically oriented articles/books/patches/tutorials to study from. I've reached a stall where I don't really know how to continue. I've been studying and playing with PD for 3 or 4 months now and I've reached a stall where what I find is either too advanced for me to dive into or too basic. I would love to understand a bit more about how do people compose with pd and how they make their advanced abstractions for sound design and composing, so I would really appreciate some recommendations or advice on the matter. Thanks a lot!
Good patches for studying
Have you gone over the Designing Sound patches yet? -> http://aspress.co.uk/sd/
This is a really cool inspiration of small, but very usable DSP patches.
check out the Live Electronics Tutorial that comes with ELSE, over 500 examples and patches for you to study
This patch/Thread, aiming at other aspects of patching with pd.
GUI, dynamic patching, algorythmic composition.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
Thank you all for your replies. I'm actually studying Farnell's book (it's amazing). Loving your tutorials alex! maybe I don't understand them fully, but they're really practical to enlighten me about the potential of ELSE, it's great. Will look through that post!
@ChicoVaca said:
Loving your tutorials alex! maybe I don't understand them fully, but they're really practical to enlighten me about the potential of ELSE,
thanks, let me know what you don't get, and note they are also "vanilla friendly", where I show how to do many things in Vanilla as well
@porres Well I think mostly how I would use all these interesting and advanced tools in a patch/composition. Are there any examples that i'm not finding? If not, where can I find them? Sorry if it's an annoyance.
well, you basically have a vast and wide variety of synthesis and DSP/FX tools., and also techniques for controlling. But I get you, I deal with more practical examples and projects in my courses, as I think it's just easier this way