HI, in extension to my previous post about dynamically creating toggle objects:
I have been doing this successfully, so I decided to wrap it up as an abstraction and $0 everything, so as to have multiple instances - things like this are useful
THe problem is that I'm having trouble referencing the abstraction on the root level (i.e 'this') and creating the toggles when the abstracton is created as [myAbstraction $0] (with a unique ID)....well this is tricky to explain:
If I reference a subpatch [pd $0-toggleSubPatch] to create the toggles inside it works fine. I can graph on parent them and its fine. It just seems a bit clumsy having to reference a child to create the toggles inside, rather than reference the parent patch to create the toggles on the same level
I guess I'm having the problem of parsing an ID string to the message box correctly:
Is [abstraction $0] the same as [pd $0-abstraction]? (1123-abstraction for example)
does this make sense? - I have a cold and its really hard to explain :/