So , I was strolling through the forum and came across a patch by the masterfull user named acreil .
Which ca be found here , a post from 10 years ago
Put the download into mu yser folder where all my pd patches reside
So I opened the patch called called synthesis demo's , once started I heard a patch of me playing whci I made year ago
This has to be some kind of naming conflict where acreil named one his subpatches the same as mine , but that's not the case at all .
My patch was called ' crazy fucker ' ( sorry if I offend anyone with the name ) , so how come this patch is played in acreils patch ?
Seriously confused .
My patch plays inside a downloaded Acreil patch, naming conflict
@gentleclockdivider Probably... put it somewhere else and see if it still happens.. although looking at your other posts I think the number of different flavours of Pd you are sometimes running at the same time has confused your registry...
David. -
Ok will try