Pure data Ceammc distibution , gives an error get$1 when trying to get an element from list store .
No such error in vanilla
Pure Data CEAMMC Distribution
@gentleclockdivider Ceammc is vanilla..... with some add-ons that seem not to load (according to your console).
Your Ceammc distribution must be based on a version of Pd prior to 0.53.
Prior to that version you had to define the length of the list to get..... so... [get $1 1( ... instead of... [get $1( ..... will work.Please carefully check the help file for objects before posting technical issues.
You should find that they are different in your 2 screenshots.
If, and only if you are running the latest version of Ceammc, then you can report the issue here...... https://github.com/uliss/pd-ceammc/issues