Pack outputs the values incorrectly from the tables
First note should have the highest velocity , but it's the second note that gets it , same for gate length etc..
I always have troubles when using tables for this ki nd of stuff
pack not outputting values from tabreads correctly
This is because the execution-order is not set with [trigger].
If not defined, you can not see, which [tabread] gets the float first. (In this case the order is in the order of patching, which is bad, as we don't want to care about order of patching and we can not see it.) And if the leftmost [tabread], the one going into [pack]'s hot inlet, gets it before the others, [pack] outputs before it packs the other floats.Put a [t f f f] or [t f f] after [mod 4], where the leftmost outlet goes to [tabread pitch] and the others to the other tabreads.
Doing so, [pack] gets data on its cold inlets first and hot inlet last.
See Pd Vanilla's documentation 2.control.examples > 03.connections
and [trigger] helpfile.And 08.depthfirst
Pd's order of operation is deterministic.Hot/cold inlets, right to left order, [trigger] and order of operation are the biggest step in learning Pd imo. So you are lucky this happened now )
Hear, hear. I've been getting into the habit of (trying to) ALWAYS use [t whatever whatever], even when it seem unimportant. Too many times have I been bitten by a seemingly-innocent execution order (egad that sounds sinister) from the earliest experimental stages of whatever patch I've been building.