Issue with moses
Moses is getting a stream of numbers , output of modulo set 96
Moses splitting point is set to 48 with a boolean smaller then and greater thrn
So when below 48 left outlet bangs , above 48 right outlet bangs ( blackcoloured bangs)
Issue is that sometimes they bang twice .
Here's the patch , a simple 2 against 3 polyrytm , moses is not yet part of the poly rytm .
Green bang enables structure
Issue with moses and boolean
Edit I added a num box to the output of both booleans
Left changes to 1 when true and back to 0 when not , but the right right stays at 1 and for a fraction returns to zero , so it won't return to zero when not true .
Aha , while debugging it seems that it not just bangs once while true , but constantly ( until not true )
So change module is needed to stop the same stream of nr's
@gentleclockdivider [change] or [sel 1].
Boolean.... true/false.... will always send a 1 or 0 for every input...... and a bang will bang no matter what message it receives.[moses] left outlet is < and the right > or =.
So maybe a [moses 48] feeding a [moses 49] from its right outlet if you don't want 48.
Or put a [select 48] before the [moses 48] as select will then feed any value except 48 to its right outlet.
David. -
I essentially got rid of the moses since I could do it with just > < boolean
I am still a bit in the dark when modules spit out a constant stream of same numbers or not , often resulting in debuggng and placing a change module in between .
The reaktor equvalent would be a step filter for primary event streams . -
@gentleclockdivider Almost all objects output something when they receive a recognisable message on their left (hot) inlet. Not when they receive on the right (cold) inlet..... the value/message is then stored in the object and will be passed on when the left inlet is banged afterwards, or overwritten by a new value/message to the left inlet.
Output is always from right to left.
[list] objects are a bit different but follow the left/right rule.
Some objects can also be "set" by a message to the left...... [set 25( will set a slider to the 25 position but it will not output anything.
Audio objects send a constant stream, but [metro] is one of very few that do so for control rate messages.I posted this a while ago........ and there is a link "How Pd works" that should explain everything.
And it will be vital to understand the order of operations as your patches grow.
[print] is most useful for debugging.
David. -
I know about the cold hot inlets
I was talking about a steady stream of same numbers that is sended under the hood like the floor division module does, and that stream can be thinned out- eliminated using the change module ,,
@gentleclockdivider [div 48] will send a number every time [mod 96] sends a number to its left inlet.... like all objects. 0 for numbers below 48...... 1 for 48 to 95...... 2 from 96.... etc.
[change] is very unusual.
All objects send something to at least one of their outlets when they receive a recognisable message on the left inlet. If they don't recognise it as valid data they send an error message to the console.