I'm wondering which way would be the easiest to make a modular signal chain?
The user should be able to decide the order of three effects like this:
[nasty_synth] ---[X]---[Y]---[Z]--->dac~
where X,Y,Z could be delay,bit crusher,flanger or similar.
so there would be 27 different combinations right?
One idea, which might a little overkill, but couldn't you basically have a directory which all three effects resides in, and then copy them over to a new folder (done via C code?) and in the target folder all files will be called 1.pd 2.pd 3.pd ?
So 1.pd 2.pd 3.pd will be statically called in my patch while the contents of the actual sub patches changes.
[nasty_synth] ---[1]---[2]---[3]--->dac~
When the user decided to have the chain like this: Flanger -> Delay -> Bit crusher, the files: flanger.pd delay.pd bitcrusher.pd will be copied to a new folder AS
1.pd 2.pd 3.pd.
I have have no real clue if this utterly stupid, but feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks!