Hi ! I'm very new to pd and have a simple question about getting / parsing midi input from a device.
I have a DJ controller type device with rotary knobs and faders that I would like to control things in pd with, but looking at the midi messages, it seems like the device doesn't send just one message per control, but instead sends 2 messages every time, one with a coarse value (which is consistent with the knob movement) and one with a fine value, which i can't really make sense of.
I came across this post https://cycling74.com/forums/high-resolution-midi-or-osc-controllers
and now assume that the controller is doing that "Pitch Bend Change" thing in order to broadcast a higher resolution value via midi.
So my question is now how to parse this midi control input into a normal value i can use in pd, is there a patch or library i can use to do this? I'm very new to pd so I don't really understand how these things work yet.
Playing with the inputs from the controller in pd, I am able to isolate only the coarse messages by ignoring every second message using a toggle and a spigot, which does provide a value that roughly represents the state of a control knob, but ideally i would like to get the actual precise position correctly parsed out of the two messages.
Any help would be appreciated.