I'm building a patch to extend the midi cc's I send from my BCF. Its pretty cool, I've managed to create 5 slow fades with the touch of a button Some reversed, or with a bit of log added!
I still notice somewhat high CPU usage of my soundcard when sending alot of midi data too it.
Would it help to somehow filter all non integer values ? I want only 1 till 127 to go to [ctlout] , and not the 1.01, 1.02, ..., values I get from [line]. This way I will not end up sending 2x or 3x the same CC number when doing a fade.
So [line] is outputting float, and I want only the round numbers to "pass" to my midi out.
another thing I am trying to figure out is a visual "switch", so I can predefine availible CC's and Midi Channels, and easily configure the second and third inlets of [ctlout], or point me to some example perhaps! I'll figure it out somehow