I did not find any documentation on that.
What's new in V0.41 ?
I did not find any documentation on that.
It can use callback audio scheduling, which I think it useful for slaving Pd to other apps. It might also use less CPU.
Miller also attempted to fix the font issue, but in a different way than I did. From my quick test, it looks like he didn't fix everything with the fonts.
I think there might be some other things, but I haven't really looked yet.
Font issue? Speaking of that, is there a way to make the text larger?
It's hard on my eyes.
You can either use the Font panel in the Edit menu. That will then be saved as part of the patch. Otherwise, you can use the command line startup flags, or the preferences to set a different font, but that can cause strange display issues.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!