I am working on the Emscripten implementention of Pure Data (with Open Frameworks, Ofelia and ofxPd).
Since audio input and processing of audio files work now, I thought I make a small demo (it would be great, if someone with Java Script or C++ experience wants to help with the implementation - its still the audioWorklet thing). One thing or the other will be possibly be included in the next OF update:
Local audio processing in the web: Demo
The same for video: https://audiovideopdprocessing.handmadeproductions.de/
I updated the patch (changed a lot that isnt visible
): https://audiovideopdprocessing.handmadeproductions.de/
Here are the patches (but they work only with OF and ofxPd and my OF audioWorklets branch and the Emscripten audioWorklet branch - will try to simplify things in the future): https://github.com/Jonathhhan/ofEmscriptenExamples