Hi, I'm trying to use another color schemes other than RGB in [0, 255] and I'm unable to use ofFloatColor which would let me define the RGB with floats in [0, 1] and also fromHsb (although I can use color:setHsb normally). Maybe it's some silly syntax issue, but with the following declarations:
local green = ofFloatColor(0.1, 0.9, 0.1);
local orange = ofColor:fromHsb(15, 255, 255);
when I use ofSetColor(green) and ofSetColor(orange) I get the following errors for each of my previous two attempts:
ofelia: [string "package.preload['_.x4081390.c'] = nil packag..."]:4: Error in ofSetColor (arg 1), expected 'int' got 'ofDefaultColorType *|ofColor< float > *|ofFloatColor *'
ofelia: [string "package.preload['_.x4081e10.c'] = nil packag..."]:4: Error in ofColor< unsigned char >::fromHsb (arg 1), expected 'float' got 'table'