I am also having problem with pix_video.
after creating the object and after opening it with create message
the camera and the window opens and then crashes altogether without any trace.
I am working on a windows 10 machine 64 bits
well after creating the pix_video object this is what I am getting in the console window.:
[pix_video]: backend #0='DS' : directshow dv iidc analog
I think this problem have risen previously with others- by going through some earlier post but still it is not helping
i downloaded the extended view toolkit to use 360 camera but even then the same think is happening
after click the create mesage the window opens and the camera starts and then everything vanishes without a trace
please suggest the solution
i am attaching the patch
forgive me if I am bring some foolish questions into the forum.for vid.pd
having problem with pix_vide0
@maddynakedymaddy This is not a foolish question.
But we don't see any questions as foolish...... because we all had to start from zero knowledge.This is guesswork though......
As you are running extended I can assume you have windows 10 X 64 and can run 32-bit programs.
But you might well be missing some 32-bit executables that were never installed on a newer computer..
You should try installing a 32-bit "dot net framework" through "Visual C++" I think the file you need is msvcr100.dll but it could be another.
This is a screenshot from my "Program Files" in Win7.
The most likely version you need is either the 2010 or 2013 redistributable (x86) ...... or both.
Extended was released in 2013 but GEM was built before then.
Links for 2010 here...... https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/87fbf736-de36-46a2-a5f6-5be1485169e2/msvcr100dllhow-can-i-get-it-on-my-computer?forum=vssetup
and you can get 2013 and 2015 from the same site.
Check your control panel (if such a thing exists in widows 10) program files to see if they are missing.
There is no harm in having the (X64) ones and the 2015 (X86) as well if they are missing.Of course if you already have those libraries then the problem is elsewhere.
When you one day try to use Spout you will also need msvcr110d.dll which you can add to the GEM library. Link here.......https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/uploads/files/1486288696808-this.zip