I haven't seen this method posted anywhere so i thought i'd share it. It doesn't alias audibly, within my hearing range at least, at 96k sr.
It works by clipping the peaks of the wave and replacing them with a sine function.
Theres some maths involved in scaling it with frequency, and patching the triangle and the sine parts together, but nothing too heavy. Uses under 1% cpu per instance on my 2010 mackbook, at 96k.
-I scaled the cutoff frequency (Above which it outputs a pure sine wave) for a 96k samplerate, so that might have to be adjusted a bit for lower rates. Just play with the cutoff constant (now 18800).
-The overall amplitude diminishes as the frequency increases. Because i prefer it this way.
splicetri~.pd splicetri~-Help.pd
edit. Apparently abs~ is from zexy. It will work without it, but won't handle negative frequencies correctly..