Hello guys
I want to send a word (string) to a server in Processing. How do I do this in Pure Data, using the OSC protocol?
This is the code in processing: udp_server_processing.pde
Can you give me a tip?
How to send an OSC message to processing?
Hello guys
I want to send a word (string) to a server in Processing. How do I do this in Pure Data, using the OSC protocol?
This is the code in processing: udp_server_processing.pde
Can you give me a tip?
@lucassilveira ......... osc-send.pd
The OSC format requires an address for the message and here it is /test.
That can be changed by sending for example a [set woof( message into [oscformat] where the message sent would then be "/woof hello"........
@whale-av Unfortunately, it didn't work. While doing some research, I discovered the mrpeach library. It looks interesting. Can I send this message with mrpeach?
@lucassilveira You probably just need to change the connect message to [connect localhost 12000( to match the port in your processing.pde....... or change the port in processing to 7000 to match my patch.
If you want to use MrPeach then see here.........https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/13357/how-to-send-pure-data-osc-message-to-python/7
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