I made samplers and now I'm trying to load randomly my soundfiles ?
Do you have any advice to give me ?
Thanks !
Randomly loading a soundfile ?
I made samplers and now I'm trying to load randomly my soundfiles ?
Do you have any advice to give me ?
Thanks !
This could be a job for [qlist] or [textfile]
Use the Source.
ok, I'll see it
i'd just put the start points for each chunk in one array,
and the length of each chunk in another array,
then just readback from the arrays with [tabread] when you want to select a new chunk.
Hey Hardoff,
To get all the audio data in one big array, how would you go about concatenating several audio files into one array in Pd? I've never done that, is it possible? Is there some trick to [soundfiler] that will let you say start from a certain offset?
Use the Source.
But I don't understand.I fyou use qlist or ntextfile objects... Those are designed for text files not sound files ?
In concordance to obiwannabe, is it possible to concatene sevaral files into an array
This patch is the reaktor-like samplemap i've built and mostly just reuse it for patches where i want to preload 20 or 30 samples.
|] [] |.| ][|-| -- http://soundcloud.com/domxh
> But I don't understand.I fyou use qlist or ntextfile objects...
> Those are designed for text files not sound files ?
Correct, and if you wanted to send a lot of messages as start markers for your audio data, then that might be one good way to do it.
If you can get the data all in one array then Hardoffs method is better, since you only need to send numbers.
Use the Source.
sorry, i misunderstood.
>my patch has to choose between 30 chunks, each of them are a part a global soundfile<
i thought that meant there was one soundfile.
if you did want to load a bunch of small files into one array, then i guess you'd just have load them into temporary arrays first, then use send the data from each temp array to a master array when they're loaded. pretty messy though, cos for each file, you'd have to write to the temp array, read from the temp array, and then write to the master array.
well it seems to clarify. I just ask myself how to put those temporary arrays in order.
Likewise, domien's patch will help.
I'll upload my patch as soon it will be functional.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!