Hey Seb!
I appreciate the feedback 
The routing I am not so concerned about, I already made a nice table based preset system, following pretty strict rules for send/recives for parameter values. So in theory I "just" need to get the data into a table. That side of it I am not so concerned about, I am sure I will find a way.
For me it's more the decoding of the sysex string that I need to research and think a lot about. It's a bit more complicated than the sysex I used for Blofeld.
The 32 voice dump confuses me a bit. I mean most single part(not multitimbral) synths has the same parameter settings for all voices, so I think I can probably do with just decoding 1 voice and send that data to all 16 voices of the synth? The only reason I see one would need to send different data to each voice is if the synth is multitimbral and you can use for example voice 1-8 for part 1, 9-16 for part 2, 17-24 for part 3, 24-32 for part 4. As an example....... Then you would need to set different values for the different voices. I have no plan to make it multitimbral, as it's already pretty heavy on the cpu. Or am I misunderstanding what they mean with voices here?
What I did for Blofeld was to make an editor, so I can control the synth from Pure Data. Blofeld only has 4 knobs, and 100's of parameters for each part.... And there are 16 parts... So thousand + parameters and only 4 knobs....... You get the idea 
It's bit of a nightmare of menu diving, so just wanted to make something a bit more easy editable .
First I simply recorded every single sysex parameter of Blofeld(100's) into Pure data, replaced the parameter value in the parameter value and the channel in the sysex string message with a variable($1+$2), so I can send the data back to Blofeld. I got all parameters working via sysex, but one issue is, that when I change sound/preset in the Pure Data, it sends ALL parameters individually to Blofeld.... Again 100's of parameters sends at once and it does sometimes make Blofeld crash. Still needs a bit of work to be solid and I think learning how to do this decoding/coding of a sysex string can help me get the Blofeld editor working properly too.
I tried several editors for Blofeld, even paid ones and none of them actually works fully they all have different bugs in the parameter assignments or some of them only let's you edit Blofeld in single mode not in multitimbral mode. But good thingis that I actually got ALL parameters working, which is a good start. I just need to find out how to manage the data properly and send it to Blofeld in a manner that does not crash Blofeld, maybe using some smarter approach to sysex.
But anyway, here are some snapshots for the Blofeld editor:
Image of the editor as it is now. Blofeld has is 16 part multitimbral, you chose which part to edit with the top selector:

Here is how I send a single sysex parameter to Blofeld:

If I want to request a sysex dump of the current selected sound of Blofeld(sound dump) I can do this:

I can then send the sound dump to Blofeld at any times to recall the stored preset. For the sound dump, there are the rules I follow:

For the parameters it was pretty easy, I could just record one into PD and then replace the parameter and channel values with $1 & $2.
For sound dumps I had to learn a bit more, cause I couldn't just record the dump and replace values, I actually had to understand what I was doing. When you do a sysex sound dump from the Blofeld, it does not actually send back the sysex string to request the sound dump, it only sends the actual sound dump.
I am not really a programmer, so it took a while understanding it. Not saying i fully understand everything but parameters are working, hehe 
So making something in Lua would be a big task, as I don't know Lua at all. I know some C++, from coding Axoloti objects and VCV rack modules, but yeah. It's a hobby/fun thing
I think i would prefer to keep it all in Pure Data, as I know Pure Data decently.
So I do see this as a long term project, I need to do it in small steps at a time, learn things step by step.
I do appreciate the feedback a lot and it made me think a bit about some things I can try out. So thanks