The compile is wasting my time. I'd rather shove a couple bucks to somebody who knows WTF they're doing.
Anybody game?
I will Venmo you $20 to compile TimbreID for my Rasbian
The compile is wasting my time. I'd rather shove a couple bucks to somebody who knows WTF they're doing.
Anybody game?
"Raspbian," sorry.
What is TimbreID and where is the code for it?
Actually, I solved it. Using the binary file timbreIDLib.pd_linux and making an object [declare -lib timbreIDLib] works like a champ.
@jancsika timbreID neat external by William Brent:
This is a collection of audio feature analysis externals for [Pd]. The classification extern (timbreID) accepts arbitrary lists of features and attempts to find the best match between an input feature and previously stored instances of training data.
Video demo:
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