i want to make use of the [clone] object to make this easier to work with. help is appreciated.
how to simplify this?
@4ZZ4 Hard to see with that screenshot so this is a total shot in the dark...... maybe.zip
[osc-voice] is just a quick lash-up. You will need to make a better sounding "voice" patch.The message going into [clone] is "voice-number" "midi-note" "velocity" eg 2 60 127...... and when that message arrives in [clone] number 2 the message is 60 127...... so unpack your note and velocity and make the sound you want.
David. -
i want to do something like this. i want my midi keyboard to have polyphony in pure data, and i want something like this in pure data inside a [clone {patchname} {amount of clones}].
it's not easy to find out the purpose of your patch. what do the spigots, as their right inlets are not connected to anything. and the [poly] itself is used for polyphony, so [poly 4] enables 4 voices (without voice stealing i think). you can change the number of voices on the fly, if you connect a numberbox or similar to it's right inlet. th patch of whale-av demonstrates the usage of [poly] with [clone] pretty well.
You should go to the tutorial section. There you'll find a "getting started with pure data " thread, if this is what you want.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...