I'm having a hard time with one of Farnell's exercises. In Chapter 29 of Designing Sound, he shows you how to synthesize an old telephone bell and in Exercise 2 he says to do your own analysis of tubular bells, cowbells or Tibeten singing bowls. I chose cowbell and found a sample online. I had it analyzed in SPEAR and Sonic Visualizer:
In SPEAR, some frequencies stand out more than others, which seems helpful- however, the analysis lacks detail and there's very little information about amplitudes of frequencies.
In Sonic Visualizer, there's more information, but when I see these thick vertical bands of frequencies, I'm not sure what to do- make very thick clusters with oscillators? That would mean using a lot more oscillators than are in the telephone bell patch and doesn't seem in line with the methodology set forth in the telephone bell patch. I've never used Sonic Visualizer, so it's possible I'm using the wrong analysis layer.
This zip-file contains the following two patches + necessary abstractions:
cowbell - the main patch of my resynthesis. It also has the cowbell sample in an array for comparison.
telephoneBell- Farnell's original patch synthesizing a telephone bell.
For my resynthesis, I mostly chose frequencies based on the SPEAR analysis and then looked up their amplitude with the Sonic Visualizer analysis. I also made the dynamic envelopes steeper than in the telephone bell patch. I can hear that it's wrong, and doing a rudimentary spectral comparison in PD shows that in the model file, there's much more amplitude around the 430Hz and the 1100Hz range. I'm just not sure how to derive the proper values from an analysis and where within those frequency ranges (the thick red-orange lines) I should be placing the oscillators..
Could anyone give me suggestions on how to go about this analysis/resynthesis? I've been fiddling with this/trying different things too long already and feel like I'm not getting anywhere.