I have a weird problem. I am delevoping a patch on a raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie and Pd 0.49.
A few days ago, I worked a little bit on the patch. Everything was working fine.
Today, i wanted to open the patch, but I get this red Tcl error in the pd console:
(Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: extra characters after close-brace
while executing
"pdtk_text_new .x20d7230.c {.x20d7230.t22b35e0 obj text} 833.000000 245.000000 {<&ì°<=«¯<|®<»æ<"<è˫<ïª<Bª<|o©<úæ§< ("uplevel" body line 284)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $docmds"
Above this error message, I get a lot of "couldn't create" errors like this:
<&ì°<=«¯<|®<»æ<"<è˫<ïª<Bª<|o©<úæ§<ۦ<1¦<<õ¤<Ìa£<3 ¢<M¡<ë<bU<rٞ<ÿ7<V<§<ks<~<ù<6v<¥<\\;ë< ·<× <¶ú<Ý<<ƥ<Ñý<ó<d« <¶¸<P<_º<\}<?\}<QWz<&w<\}Mu<%r<\\,Ro<wôk<Si<t!f<Ôb<Μ_<å-\\\\\\\\<û4X<bT<MlR<ÅHP<%ûL<¯H<KfE<C<ÏA<ø¯=<K>:< 6<٦2<³v/<+Â\\\\\\,<ª+*<êw&<âH"<ùÜ<áÀ<Ć<V®<H<½õ<ûâ<¦( <!F<¤Ò<Vºþ\\;kÊø\\\\\\;¬ó\\\\\\;åí\\\\\\;«Bç\\\\\\;áß\\\\\\;ï\\\\\\,Ö\\\\\\;V²Î\\\\\\;-É\\\\\\; ÎÂ\\\\\\;[å»\\\\\\;ÿµ\\\\\\;§N°\\\\\\;k©\\\\\\;yآ\\\\\\;P\\\\\\;d#\\\\\\;"5\\\\\\;]\\\\\\;Ԇ\\\\\\;
|\;=ùq\\\;ýRf\\\;äYT\\\;ß%J\\\;}RB\\\;6\\\;·(\\\;\\\;¿ç\\\;( \;àð:Ì:sB²:UŠ:\\\\ސ:.}:&àA:<:Ҵè9L9ë=P8¹Â& ¹äºD.º&ýQº b b
... couldn't create
Do you have any idea what could wrong? Thank you very much,