i build a lua markov generator inspired from this python code with the idea to use it with pure data / ofelia: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2018/elegant-python-code-for-a-markov-chain-text-generator/
finally the code works fine with the eclipse lua ide or with this ide https://studio.zerobrane.com/, but somehow not yet with pure data / ofelia.
here is the (not yet working) patch: ofelia_markov.pd
and here the lua code: markov_pd.lua
math.randomseed(os.time()- os.clock() * 1000);
-- make dictionary;
function defaultdict(default_value_factory);
local t = {};
local metatable = {};
metatable.__index = function(t, key);
if not rawget(t, key) then;
rawset(t, key, default_value_factory(key));
return rawget(t, key);
return setmetatable(t, metatable);
-- make markov matrix;
print('Learning model...')
print ("markov order: " , STATE_LEN)
model = defaultdict(function() return {} end)
data = "00001111010100700111101010000005000700111111177111111";
datasize = #data;
print("data: ", data);
print("datasize: ", #data);
data = data .. data:sub(1, STATE_LEN);
print("altered data: ", data);
print("altered datasize: ", #data);
for i = 1, (#data - STATE_LEN) do;
state = data:sub(i, i + STATE_LEN-1);
-- print("state: ", state)
local next = data:sub(i + STATE_LEN, i + STATE_LEN);
-- print("next: ", next);
model[state][next] = (model[state][next] or 0)+1;
-- make markov chain;
local keyTbl = {};
local nexTbl = {};
local prbTbl = {};
for key, value in pairs(model) do;
for k, v in pairs(value) do;
table.insert(keyTbl, key);
table.insert(nexTbl, k);
table.insert(prbTbl, v);
print ("keyTbl: ", table.unpack(keyTbl));
print ("nexTbl: ", table.unpack(nexTbl));
print ("prbTbl: ", table.unpack(prbTbl));
-- make random key;
local randomKey = keyTbl[math.random(#keyTbl)];
state = randomKey;
print("RandomKey: ", randomKey);
-- make table from random key;
local str = state;
local stateTable = {};
for i = 1, #str do;
stateTable[i] = str:sub(i, i);
out = stateTable;
print ("random key as table: ", table.unpack(out));
-- make markov chain;
for i = 1, datasize do;
-- weighted random choices;
local choices = {};
local weights = {};
for j = 1, #keyTbl do;
if state == keyTbl[j] then;
table.insert(choices, nexTbl[j]);
table.insert(weights, prbTbl[j]);
-- print ("choices:",table.unpack(choices));
-- print ("weights:",table.unpack(weights));
local totalWeight = 0;
for _, weight in pairs(weights) do;
totalWeight = totalWeight + weight;
rand = math.random() * totalWeight;
local choice = nil;
for i, weight in pairs(weights) do;
if rand < weight then;
choice = choices[i];
choice = choice:sub(1,1);
rand = rand - weight;
table.insert(out, choice);
state = string.sub(state, 2, #state) .. out[#out];
-- print("choice", choice);
-- print ("state", state);
print("markov chain: ", table.concat(out));
somehow pure data / ofelia interprets the nexTbl values as a functions while they are strings?
this is part of what the pure data console prints: nexTbl: function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30 function: 0000000003B9BF30
ofelia: [string "package.preload['#d41b70'] = nil package.load..."]:93: attempt to index a function value (local 'choice')
and this ist the output from the lua ide:
Program 'lua.exe' started in 'C:\Users\Jonat\Downloads\ZeroBraneStudio\myprograms' (pid: 220).
Learning model...
markov order: 1
data: 00001111010100700111101010000005000700111111177111111
datasize: 53
altered data: 000011110101007001111010100000050007001111111771111110
altered datasize: 54
keyTbl: 5 7 7 7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
nexTbl: 0 0 1 7 7 1 0 5 7 1 0
prbTbl: 1 2 1 1 1 17 7 1 2 7 13
RandomKey: 1
random key as table: 1
markov chain: 111111000077701111100070001100000001100017011171111117
Program completed in 0.06 seconds (pid: 220).