@flagpuppy On my Windows7 machines they are stored here.......
Vanilla and Extended stored separately in the following locations (Windows 7)........ Pd and Pd-extended folders in each address.
Here the "big string" will be different for your machine.....
HKEY_USERS\......big string......Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\
This one twice...... probably last known good, and?
It could be the same for Windows8.......?
I do not have Vanilla "installed".... I have many versions just sitting in a folder on my desktop, and the settings in the registry at those addresses are applied to all of them when any one of them is changed.
The prefs are put there by Windows....... google "UAC Virtualization" for more info..... which might help you resolve your problem........ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20150902-00/?p=91681
It could be that you did not remove a block that was automatically put on your Pd folder by Windows8 when you downloaded the Pd program. Right-click the folder after it is unzipped and "unblock" might work.....?
Also..... check the security permissions for pd.exe (in pd/bin).