Hi! I{m trying to reproduce MIDI notes using libpd in an Android phone but it´s not producing sound at all. Any ideas? How to mimic a MIDI note using oscillators?
Thanks in advances!
makenote not working libpd Android
Hi! I{m trying to reproduce MIDI notes using libpd in an Android phone but it´s not producing sound at all. Any ideas? How to mimic a MIDI note using oscillators?
Thanks in advances!
@kevinzo22 Hi, [makenote] doesn't "make" sounds but it builds midi note messages from three numbers (midi note number, velocity value and note length in milliseconds).
If you do have midi messages already and want to make sounds from them you need some sort of synth/sampler, and the timbre of the sound depends on the synth itself so that's entirely up to you and what you want/need.
here is a simple sine wave polyphonic synth patch to get you started:
(see blip~-help.pd)
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