Hi! I{m trying to reproduce MIDI notes using libpd in an Android phone but it´s not producing sound at all. Any ideas? How to mimic a MIDI note using oscillators?
Thanks in advances!
Hi all! Anybody has tried to map inertial data coming from i.e. accelerometers to tones/sounds in Pure Data? Or even play around how to sonify sensor data represented with quaternions?
Any input in appreciated! Thanks!
Hi guys! Maybe you could help me out here:
Basically I receive data over OSC at a rate of 50 samples per second. I extract every value using "oscparse" and "unpack" later on. Well from this data stream I want to produce a MID note every 250miliseconds, i.e. 4 times per second. How could I get this done using PureData? How can I read a value from the data stream at a different rate?
Thanks in advance!