@cuinjune I tried to compile the lissa seq patch. but when i open the executable it opens only a small empty window.
i also tried to compile a help patch for testing, with the same result.
but your example works fine(Win32Example).
Lissa Executable / ofxOfelia compile error (Solved)
@Jona Hi, Could you please post(or send me) your patch so I can try it?
And may I ask which help patch you tried?P.S: When you compile as a standalone app, the patch doesn't actually get compiled with the app but is being opened on startup. So you can just replace the Pd patch in yourProject/bin/data/pd with your files whenever you want to try a different patch and don't have to recompile the app.
@cuinjune i testet with ofGrid-help. this is the patch i try to compile: ofelia_lissa_seq_5d.zip
i use visual studio 2017 because with visual studio 2015 even the example didnt work. all the other steps are like you mentioned on github.
perhaps i didnt configured the visal studio right, because compiling is kind of new to me.
thanks for the tip, before i tried to compile it everytime when i changed the patch -
finally i just had to rename the pd file to main, now it works visually, but so far without midi out/sound.
Here is the Executable: https://we.tl/guYbiuftrX
Lissa.exe is the Executable, and in the path /data/pd is the pd patch. The left mouse button pressed on the ofelia window changes the pattern, the right the texture and the soundlength. + and - changes the number of edges. Also Audio is working (but no midi). For sound synthesis I borrowed and modified this synth: https://patchstorage.com/additive-synthesis/
i like the sound but i think about changing it or making it slower without slowing down the animation.
@cuinjune thanks for ofxOfelia, nice work. I think now I understand the concept.
have fun -
@Jona Hey, I tried your standalone app on Windows 7 and 10 and it worked nicely.
But your app will not work on some computers that don't have visual C++ runtime libraries installed.For this reason, I added msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll to Win32Example/bin in the GitHub repo yesterday. https://github.com/cuinjune/ofxOfelia
If you copy these two files into your LissaDependencies folder, your app will run on most Windows computers without the problem.
And if you want to use MIDI for your standalone app, please take a look at [ofGetMidiDevices] and [ofSetMidiDevices].
You need to set MIDI device using these objects in order to use MIDI in a standalone app just like you do it in Pd with MIDI Settings.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if anything doesn't work properly.
@cuinjune thanks a lot for adding the .dll`s
and thanks for the info about implementing midi.
Everything works fine so far.
One question, perhaps i ask too much
Would it be possible to implement gui objects like that in the future: http://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxGui/ ?Edit: just realized that main2d shows the colored position when i open it with pd, but not when i open the .exe
@Jona You're welcome and please feel free to ask me questions anytime.
Yes, I'm already working on adding the GUI abstractions starting with emulating Pd's built-in GUIs.
I will include these abstractions in ofelia's examples folder as soon as I finish it.
Once this is done, it won't be too difficult for users to change the look of the GUIs.Anyhow, I will create and add more GUI abstractions in the future.
Maybe I could emulate something similar to ofxGUI after I finish emulating the Pd GUI. -
that sounds/looks great.