Hello all,
New project I am working on which I would like to consider using additive synthesis. I do not want to overburden the CPU and will record the piece in stages.
Ok with that in mind, you can manually or automatically record an osc~ sine wave into an audio file in real time or even multiple oscillators at the same time.
But if you are to do that, then it would take the same amount of real time to record each portion of the piece and then put all of the pieces together. If the patches got really complex this could take days of computing time.
To be simple in showing this:
If I created a file name test.aif, and banged start as message to this, with a delay of 30 seconds to a stop.
A file named test.aif with a sine wave at 440 hertz for 30 seconds would be created, but it would take 30 seconds to create. Is there a faster method? If not, there should be. No?