With the new [list store] in Pd 0.48 it is now possible to build a [list-drip] abstraction that is more than double as fast as the one from IEM, according to my tests: list_drip.pd
Faster list-drip with [list store] (Pd 0.48)
At last! It's shocking that Vanilla hasn't had a solution to this for so long.
@ingox Thanks a lot for this! (I renamed it to list-leak to avoid confusion
can I ask what makes the other slower? Is it just because it's got more objects or something else like list split? -
@weightless i can only guess, but list-drip from list-abs still copies a lot of lists. It is pretty efficient because it splits the list over and over again into ever smaller chunks until they contain only one element and than puts them out.
The above method directly accesses the elements and puts them out. I tried this with [text search] before (same method) but this was still slower than [list-drip].
Also i hereby put the above method in the public domain so everybody can use it without any restrictions or attributions or worries, use it in subpatches within abstractions and what not.
@weightless imagine you were reading a sentence but that each time you read a word you had to "pick up and move" every remaining word in the rest of the sentence. That's what the traditional [list-split] -- [list-append] approaches to iteration do!
( [list-split] doesn't actually have to copy every single word in the rest of the sentence, but it's still a heavy load).
@weightless i guess that would be list-dripslow: list_dripslow.pd
i just thought list-drip would be especially relevant because in many applications it is needed to perform as fast as possible.
@ingox I thought so too but I see [list-dripslow] is used in [list-drip2], so maybe for long lists that would've been slower too? I don't know, but they both seem neater like this, thanks again.
@weightless Yes, i think most of list-abs could be rewritten now to be more efficient
I've done my own version of list-drip in the past that I think beats the list-drip speed but has a variable drip size (also I think I use less lists than list-drip does?, patch here)
@dxk i get stack overflows from this with longer lists. It also seems slower than list-abs and the above version with [list store].
This is my test setup: list-drip-test.zip
It uses [realtime] and in addition [time] from zexy, which gives similar results, so it is not really necessary. [list-drip] from list-abs is included.
@ingox Ah, interesting. I suppose I haven't used gigantic lists that much so I haven't come across that issue but that's a good thing to keep an eye out for, thanks! At least with my tests (and it looks like I come up with similar results with your environment with small lists (10-20 elts) that mine does go faster than the [list store] way and is comparable to the IEM speeds, so perhaps [list store] might be slower with small lists, but scales much much better (which is to be expected with only using one list object and not relying on weird passing things around trickery)
@dxk If you reset all realtimes first and then send the lists, the times will add up and the fist list-drip will always get the lowest number. If you use three [t l b], the results should be accurate.
After porting
[list store]
to Purr Data, quickly skimming the code it appears that for each iteration[list-abs/list-drip]
has to walk a linked list requiring ten pointer dereferences, whereas the abstraction around[list store]
only needs to walk five. The only other difference is that[list store]
makes some calls toalloca
, but that should be in favor of the[list-abs/list-drip]
algo which doesn't require anyalloca
calls. So I'm guessing the time spent allocating on the stack is insignificant.It would be interesting to somehow compare to an object chain where the objects are traversed as an array instead of a linked list. (More like how signal objects are traversed.) I'm going to speculate that the time saved iterating array elements vs. chasing pointers would bring
and the list-store approach closer together. -
@ingox i guess that point is a little subtle but makes sense when you think about it =P
@jancsika Not sure if this is what you meant, but i made a list-drip only for lists of numbers, that uses an array. It is slightly faster than the list-store method. But as it is restricted to lists of numbers, i think the list-store approach is still good as general purpose list-drip.
Edit: Nevermind, i revisited the test and [list store] is still faster. Test setup: test-driplist.zip
@ingox Relevant reply on that other thread with the word "paradigm" in the title.
The message-dispatching overhead-- walking a linked list to find the next inlet to find the next object in the chain, and invoking the relevant method-- is indeed significant. If you code up
[list drip]
as a simple for loop in C you gain an order of magnitude more efficiency over the simplest possible[f]x[+ 1]
feeding into[list store]
or frankly any other solution that uses a multi-object chain of objects.I'm not sure what the balance is between linked-list-walking penalty and function-call penalty. It would be interesting to measure that, too.
@ingox Here are some measurements. I stripped out the iemguis in the middle of the test object chains from your test4.pd to trim down the tests to the bare bones:
list_length = 10,000 (which looks like it generates a 100,000 element list from that)
- list-drip (matju's older version): 28.319 ms average time
- list_drip (newer
[list store]
version): 9.1206 ms - My makeshift implementation of a core
[list drip]
object in x_list.c: 0.3393 ms - Sending the
list used in your test to the right inlet of a[list store]
object, and doing nothing else: 0.8410 ms
That last one is quite revealing-- it actually takes the list family objects longer to copy an incoming 100,000 element list from an incoming connection to an ancillary inlet than it does to drip out a 100,000 elements from an incoming 100,000 element list!
Another point-- in performance tests for Pd we really want to know the worst case time it takes to complete computation. I don't think there would be any surprises in these tests, but you never know. For example, it appears my makeshift
[list drip]
with a list of 100,000 still performs well within the boundaries of time needed for computing one block of audio at 44,100. However, if even one of those tests took 1.5 milliseconds to complete then all bets are off. -
@jancsika Fascinating. How does your C-[list-drip] get the list without copying?
If a better and faster solution is coming i am very much welcoming it. What i do right now is looking for what can be optimally done in vanilla. It would be great if better solutions could be integrated in core.
@ingox Same way
[list split]
works. Let's call its float argumentsplit_point
:- When list split receives a list to its left inlet, that list is represented internally as a single variable called "argv" which points to the beginning of an array of Pd atoms.
- To split the right part out, Pd says to the middle outlet, "add the
to myargv
variable and send that new address to the object(s) I'm connected to. (That math ends up being equivalent to indexing into the array at positionsplit_point
.) Also, tell them that the array of atoms I'm sending islist_size
minus thesplit_point
. - To split the left part out, Pd says to the outlet, "here's my
variable that points at the beginning of my array of atoms. Send that to the next object down the line, and just report that I havesplit_point
elements in me."
If you send a list of size 100 to
[list split 50]
and feed the left inlet to some custom external object, from within that custom object you could actually fetch the last 50 elements if you wanted to (ignoring for the moment that very bad things will happen if it turns out the original list didn't have 100 or more items in it). Those elements are still there because it's the same exact data. It's just reported to the custom object as a size 50 array of Pd atoms.Similarly, if your custom object was hooked up to the middle outlet you could fetch the the original 50 elements from the beginning of the list. In the internals, those two are just views into different parts of the same exact "pure" data.
Similarly, when I made a quick-and-dirty
[list drip]
object, I'm just looping for a total oflist_size
times, and each time I'm telling the outlet to report a message of size "1" at the next index of the atom array.In both cases, there's no need to copy the incoming list. These objects just let you change the view of the same data so there's no overhead.
Edit: there's a missing piece of the puzzle I neglected to mention. For example, you might wonder why
[list store]
doesn't just store that argv variable for later use. The answer is that a method in Pd can only assume that argv points to valid data for the lifetime of that specific method call. So as Pd steps through the instructions in the guts of[list split]
or whatever in response to the incoming message, it can assume argv represents the incoming data. But once it has finished responding to that specific message (in this case sending its output), it must assume that this "argv" thing is long gone. If it tried to save that address for later use, it's possible that in the meantime Pd will have changed the contents of that data, or-- perhaps better-- removed them entirely from its memory, in which case you'd at least get a crash.For that reason,
[list store]
must make a new copy of the incoming list data, because the whole point is to store a list for later use. -
@jancsika I see. Thank you for the explanation. Very enlightening.