Hi Pd
Here is a higher precision & functions knob GUI object [abcknob], as a replacement for [knob].
Main features (advantages over the wellknown [knob]) :
- A variable gauge startpoint, not only leftmost but also any point you can set
- Available a numerical meter at the center area of the knob
- Accurately showing knob direction when its degree is 90, 180 or 270
- Downward compatibility for [knob]; Your patch will work well if you replace [knob] with [abcknob] by any text editor
I made this object when the pd-extended was on-going.
Recently I found that the pd-extended is now outdated and the current pd-vanilla does not supply the [knob] object. So I updated my own object and would like to share it to help your patching life.
abcknob - Mac, Win and Linux binaries archive for Pd 0.47