I've been roughly measuring the performance of pd's audio atoms by creating large arrays of them in a subpatch and monitoring overall CPU usage. I'll post the measurement patch if there's demand.
bob~ 168.00
vline~ 80.00
bonk~ 50.00
sigmund~ 43.00
line~ 21.50
pow~ 19.25
mtof~ 14.50
exp~ 10.50
vcf~ 8.25
log~ 7.00
framp~ 7.00
sqrt~ 5.50
q8_sqrt~ 5.50
rsqrt~ 5.25
q8_rsqrt~ 5.25
rfft~ 5.00
tabread4~ 5.00
osc~ 3.50
cos~ 3.50
bp~ 3.50
tabread~ 2.50
rpole~ 2.25
lop~ 2.22
phasor~ 2.00
tabosc4~ 2.00
/~ 1.67
ftom~ 1.63
rzero~ 1.25
abs~ 1.06
clip~ 1.00
threshold~ 1.00
vsnapshot~ 1.00
tabwrite~ 0.88
hip~ 0.72
+~ 0.61
*~ 0.61
-~ 0.61
snapshot~ 0.50