hello. I'm looking for a simple way to map midi notes/chords to keypress/sequences of keypress events to send them to a stenotyping software (PLOVER) that accepts common qwerty keyboards as inputs. I need this for interfacing a midi keyboard as if it was a stenotyping machine. any help will be much appreciated. thanks
Midi to keypress
@carlom74 Hi, I don't think pd has any object that can do that. If Plover doesn't accept other inputs like OSC, TCP or UDP, then searching google for "midi to keystroke" gave a few programs you might want to try.
@carlom74 There is an external (but "Windows" only!.... it uses a windows api).......... I cannot remember where it was posted...... so here it is again......
input_event.zip...... to go in your Pd folder.
You might find differences between operating systems, or even your keyboard, but they can be resolved by googling or trial and error....... or use [keyup] to find the values for your keyboard.....
Open your Pd patch, and then give your steno program focus so that it receives the key events......
Here is an example.... I use osc messages (not midi) to control video projection in a program..... but the principle is the same. Look inside [pd stuffing] for more....... receive_mariat.pd