Trying to convert a float value to a symbol. If you run it into [symbol] it helpful outputs 'float' instead of converting it. I found info about [f2s] on pdpedia that sound like it should do the trick. Pdpedia claims it resides in moonlib. Added moonlib to my startup, restarted pd and no luck. Anyone know how to get this object working? Is there a better option? I am on a recent version of PD-Extended on windows (away from my music computer at the moment so I don't know exactly which version).
I am trying to create an abstraction that uses soundfiler internally. I am prefixing my array with $0 so it will be unique for each instance of the abstraction. When I send the message "read -resize D:/Jon/Samples/hihat/closed/606chat.wav $0-Sample" to soundfiler I get the error "error: 0-Sample: no such table". I did a similar naming convention when doing a tabwrite~ to a table, the patch works but I get an error "error: tabwrite~: 1020-OutputScope: no such array".Any clue on this?
I am object probably exists to do this but I cannot find anything in PDPedia. I am trying to figure out how to route audio based on another value. For example the audio will take one path if the input number is one and another path if the input number is two.-Jon
This one seems simple but I have had no luck with it as of yet. How do you go about rendering output to a file from within PureData on windows? On linux I always used Jack but have found no comparable solution on windows. I have tried Jack for Windows (http://www.grame.fr/~letz/jackdmp.html) and ReaRoute for Reaper (http://www.reaper.fm/) with no luck at all. Both seem like they would be good solutions but Reaper receives no sound when I try to do it through PureData. I am using the latest stable build of PD-Extended and the most recent version of Reaper.
I have searched around and not found anything. I am sure that there is a very obvious solution I am missing.
Jonathan -
Wouldn't it be possible to run four copies and have them communicate with netsend or osc? I know this isn't the perfect solution but if you could split off different sound generating portions into separate patches I think this would work.
Fantastic! I knew it was something easy. Thanks!
I have been itching to see any movement from DesireData for a long time now. If anyone has not checked out the screenshots I suggest you do.
Here is the webpage of one of the main developers and his page claims work has resumed on it recently although there is no date/time stamp on that part of the page so who knows when that was updated. http://artengine.ca/matju/
And here is a thread on the board about it http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-590-new-gui-desiredata-download
Don't know
. I generally use PD on windows. Just pasting from the FAQ because you hadn't mentioned trying that.
Here is some info on the font problem.
I remember reading [expr~] was very heavy computationally. Is this correct? obviously if you are only using one metro like this it should not be a big deal but perhaps this form should only be used in places where the extra precision is needed?
Select will mark toggles, but maybe not the way you would want it to. Each time a toggle receives a bang it toggles between 0 and 1. so below if the number hits 3 then that toggle will turn on. If it hits 3 again it will turn off. I think the problem you may be having is that select will only select if something is a perfect match, the line is not guaranteed to hit 3 and 5 on the dot. it may send out 3.00234 instead while it is passing by. You may want to try putting an [int] and a [change] on the input of the select. Int will get rid of the decimal portion of the number and change will stop the buttons from toggling back and forth wildly when they keep receiving the same number over and over again.
What this all would accomplish would be to turn those three toggle boxes on over the course of 50000 ms. If you reset the line and resent it would turn the toggles off in the same order and same amount of time. If this is not what you were trying to accomplish then please provide more details.-Jon
This leads to another question. I know that having updating number boxes and graphics bangs will slow you down but is it still a performance issue to have a complex GUI displayed in PD if it isn't being updated?
I am not totally clear on your explanation of why you need to connect to them directly. Is it because you don't want to deal with 64 outlets? If that is the case you could always have one outlet that sends a integer of what button was hit or a list of the x, y position of the button.
No. The only way to connect wires to them is to use inlets and outlets. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish there may be ways to fake it. For example if your idea was to have a slider that took an input for values and output audio directly to a dac~ you could make a subpatch with an inlet and outlet~, graph on parent, don't display patch name and make the GOP the exact same size as the slider. That way it looks like you are connecting to the inlet and outlet~ or the slider but in actuality they are the inlet and outlet of your abstraction. If it is something else your trying to do please provide some more details and I will try to brainstorm on it.
Not familiar with the objects/abstractions you are using for input and output.
Do you still have the issue if you go from [adc~] to [dac~] ?
If you did really want to store 2-d data you should be able to do it in data structures. Don't know if it would be easier in the long run but it should be possible.
Granted I've never done it but I believe you can run every Jack function from the command line. It should just be a matter of researching the correct format for the commands and having PD send them out using [shell].
Personally I think puckett's book is really confusing for a beginner (its caused me to give up learning PD twice in past).
Try the free chapter available for download at
http://aspress.co.uk/ds/and the Floss Manual
http://en.flossmanuals.net/puredataas well as the loadbang book.
Vanilla PD should have everything you need as a beginner, once you have learned more PD you will want to branch out into other externals. As far as externals what you want to get depends on your interests. Gem is a good place to start with visuals.