Or to bring object(s) to front:
- select object(s)
- cut
- undo
This will not damage existing connections.
P.S. sending an object to back == bringing all other objects to front.
@jjegede01: Besides the spaces, I think the main problem is order of bangs:
- open the file
- send 1 to sfread~
Use [trigger] to ensure the right order...
@LiamG nice one! I made something for connecting objects some time ago (but far from such complex object as yours), you have to select two objects, press button, and it dis/connects all their nlets, that's all. I wanted to incorporate keyboard control, but didn't want to make it part of same abstraction, then I left it as it was...
I'm showing here a comparision of pdpatchrepo.info vs algorithmiccomposer.com just to show the difference in font size. Screenshot emulates actual display on my 4,5'' smartphone's screen.
There are some things I don't like in this new layout too, but most of them I can get used to...
One of those very annoying (and most prominent for me) layout changes is font-size of text elements on page, which makes the forum less accessible. It's too large on mobile devices and doesn't scale well. The change will be easy for someone who handles the site, just change fixed sizes in px units to relative ones (em or percent) in stylesheet.
But it seems no one cares but me...
@raynovich asked:
First off, should there be a semicolon in the message box? Isn't that needed?
The semicolon is used when you want to send the message to specific object:
[; blah hello (
this is the same as:
[hello ( | [send blah]
The first version is shorter, but the second is easier to use with $0 in names.
Read more about messages here: http://en.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/dataflow-tutorials/messages/...and nope, there is no "freeze" option in Pd.
JFYI, [donecanvasdialog( has these parameters:
[ donecanvasdialog <x-units> <y-units> <gop> <x-from> <y-from> <x-to> <y-to> <x-size> <y-size> <x-margin> <y-margin> (
All these values are also available in "Properties" dialog of canvas, the <gop> parameter can have 3 values:
0 = GOP off
1 = GOP on & show object name and parameters
2 = GOP on & hide object name and parametersThis info comes from .mmb aka Maelstrom.
Look for help patches in:
.../Pd/doc/manuals/pd-msg/mainly this one:
.../Pd/doc/manuals/pd-msg/1.msg_and_patch/0.all_msg.pd -
@ricky said:
- Is there an easy way to find out the id of the last object created in a patch?
You can use [iemguts/canvasindex] - its right outlet outputs total number of objects in the patch (so subtract 1 to get last object's index, because indices are zero-based).
@LandonPD - as far as arrays problem goes, i think only way it could be done is by dynamic patching (deleting old array and recreating it with all settings, only with the display type changed). But I don't know if it is really worth it. I remember some time ago I wanted to dynamically create array and abandoned whole idea...
@LandonPD said about nop~:...Hopefully, somebody reading this thread will remind us about its authorship.
It was me
. I'm glad somebody found some use of it, in fact I never did...
I think that you are right, afaik there is no way to set it with message...
Here is my attempt (very ugly): reader.pd - Pd-extended needed, because of [s2l] and [l2s] objects. The hardest problems were spaces and commas, maybe this all could be done by splitting the text by characters, and process it using char codes?
After all, Pd is notoriously known as very bad in symbol manipulations, so IMHO the best approach will be to prepare text file externally, before reading it in Pd.
Maybe from your format to something like:
1 Gimme fuel_ gimme fire 2 Gimme that which I desire 3 Oh
...then it will be possible to use [qlist] object.
Hello, @gsagostinho, can you upload it again, please (the last working version)?
Here is the vanilla abstraction I made some time ago...
It is based on abstraction by sebfumaster. -
@LandonPD Thanks, I was thinking about clearing the console, but I left it as it is, because it is not solving the problem, only hiding it. Not because it is extended (even when I try to keep my abstraction as vanilla as possible), but mainly, IMHO, it's not fair behaviour for one object to clear all messages from the others...
But maybe printing some message is the best way to get over current state (to inform user that he can ignore previous error messages). Once again thank you for idea. -
I know this is old topic, but if someone still wants this abstraction, here is my vanilla attempt:
the only annoying thing is the error message in console when file not found -
The only problem with that is...well...it's non-breaking...
OK, then the en-space (U+2002, decimal 8194) can be used instead, but it's harder to type (in Windows, one setting in the registry should be changed, to allow hex input with numpad).
Or the easiest solution I found: add a plain space after the non-breaking one, this will allow the line break.
@gsagostinho Yes, I think that's what he wants to measure:
I basically just drag the slider about, and want to see what is the time difference between two consecutive values emitted by the [hsl] slider.
So your example using [line] outputs the correct answer (constant time). IMHO the question was, why he got those zero times, which I could not reproduce. But maybe I just don't understand?