• WillelmOfBlagbyn

    alright, anyone else have the problem of only being able to manipulate frames of CERTAIN avi videos? I built a sequencer that skips to specified frames as per the master clock, and I can only do this if PD knows the number of frames in a video.

    All files but some avi files are doing this...all other files show the number of frames as "1".

    posted in technical issues read more
  • WillelmOfBlagbyn

    so this problem randomly fixed itself. I have no idea why this happened. The only bug thing that I changed was my audio devices when I plugged in my interface and played with amplitude control over luma offset.

    EDIT: No, I can only read frames from .avi files it seems. I wonder why this is. Could it be a codec problem?

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  • WillelmOfBlagbyn


    I followed this tutorial, and the unpack function is not outputting the proper number of frames for the video I'm using. It is showing as "1", and this seems to be making it so I cannot jump from frame to frame. It seems from the comments under the tutorial video that others have this problem as well, but I cannot for the life of me find a solution to it. anyone have an idea of what I could have done wrong? I copied the patch exactly...

    Thanks for any response!

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!