yeah, I am realizing that *maybe * the one I made is actually not that bad.

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  • WEIRD1


    whoops, I was missing an inlet - here:


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  • WEIRD1

    hello Pure Data Community,
    I am working on a simple patch so that I can define the probability of a trigger occurring. Right now my patch is very low resolution, its like 1/2 , 1/3 .... up through 1/10. But how could I build something that had more fine tune capacity ? SO I could define the percentile of likelihood anywhere between 1 and 100 percent probability. Here is my simple patch :


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  • WEIRD1

    @lacuna said:

    EDIT: better [del 200] to prevent getting stuck in instant invinite loops

    for some reason when I apply a long attack and very short S & D to the patch you showed above ( at least I think I created it correctly) it is very quite. This is not the case with my original. Here is an example of what gives me a very quite signal that doesn't sound like the attack is rising fully open ( from 0 -1).
    Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 4.39.38 PM.png

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  • WEIRD1

    thanks so much for the help !!

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  • WEIRD1

    Hey all,
    I am still pretty new to PD, and I have been slowly building some pieces for a serge like synth. I had some help on here a while back making a simple ASD
    ( I'm working in PD vanilla on a newer mac ). When I run this ( attached below) ASD I get these continued messages in the PD window:

    $1: argument number out of range
    $1: argument number out of range

    I am hoping someone out there in PD land could take a look and let me know why these error messages are showing up ? Also feel free to suggest a better way to make this simple ASD.


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  • WEIRD1

    @hwk_cgn dang, I cant figure out how to download or open this "usg_e~.pd" it takes me here :


    and then I copy all and paste into a new PD window but its not producing a PD patch.

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  • WEIRD1

    ok, figuring this out is the next level for me but I'm going to keep reading the help files and experimenting.

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  • WEIRD1

    Is there a way to get anything close in Vanilla ? I’m trying to just use Vanilla while I’m still learning.

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  • WEIRD1

    Hey all,
    I want to make a thing and I don’t know how 🤪 I’ve ( poorly) drawn an example of what I’m trying to do. I want to be able to pass bangs ( or numbers) from inlet to outlet and have the outlets rotate on receiving a bang .


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!