• vickydcl

    I have a hRadio (width 2), a bang and two messages in my PD proyect. I want to save in a variable or similar a 0 or a 1 coming from the hRadio. Then, when I press the bang, I want to ask if that variable is a 0 or a 1. Each path will show a different message.
    How could I do that?

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more
  • vickydcl

    @whale-av Thanks David!
    No socket error or DSP messages, just the "sendOSC: connected to port localhost:22222 (hSock=7179592) protocol = UDP" message.
    I tried your patch and changing the delay msecs to 500. I think it works a little bit better, but I'm sure it's a processor problem, like the patch work fast just when you open it and then it starts to slow down or it gets stuck and doesn't work. Sad :confused:

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more
  • vickydcl

    ObraPD - Copy.pd

    I have this patch that send frequency values of my voice from PD to Processing. The patch works fine but 10 seconds later the program stop taking my pitch despite having the patch ON. I'm using PD-extended.
    I also tried using fiddle~ object but same thing happened.
    I guess it must be a problem of my computer (processor), but it could be another thing that I'm not seeing.
    I will apreciate your help!

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!