• uudza

    Ok,I'll try to write all the details and paint the picture.
    I'm using one mac (mackintosh) and 2 beagleboneblacks(running wheezy and having usb sound cards) in a wireless network in a installation. All of them have PD. Mac has extended,bbb have vanillas 0.46-2.
    Each device has mic and speaker(s). All the heavy signal processing(FX..) is done on the mac and there are no problems with it.
    The mac receives inputs from arduino, which triggers the fx and are sent to BBB because one BBB has also pruio outputs which are used to switch LEDs. It also sends a signal that triggers a sound file on the BBB. And it also has udpsend~ and udpreceive~ with both BBB.
    It is like a small telephone network.
    So I have problems with the BBB but usually only with the audio part-the rest keeps working,only no input/output as a sound.
    Both of the BBB have startup flags "-nogui -alsa -r 48000 -audiobuf 50 -audiodev 2,2".
    And they both tend to drop the audio/dsp. It happens random. No noticeable sequence or time.
    And as they don't have any monitors I can only SSH into them.
    When the audio dies I continue to receive constant signal through the udpreceive~, as it would have frozen.
    I'm attaching one of the patches or rather pack of patches from one of the bbb. I'm not certain it's understandable,but I hope it is.
    And thanks again for the help and interest :)

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  • uudza

    First - can't wait when I can give back to this community by helping someone rather than asking for help all the time.
    That being said the problems is that for unknown reason PD (which is installed on my beagleboneblack,debian linux) kills all the audio in a patch after some longer while. The rest of the patch works, but the dsp stops altogether. Maybe the problems comes from the linux itself or the drivers but so far I could find anything that could prove that. In the patch there is udpsend~ and udreceive~ object(through wireless network) which is constantly running,add~,dac~,oggread~,readsf~. Nothing really changes,nothing is added and everything works perfectly but then at one point the audio/dsp disappears. Sometimes it even happens when nobody is near it, when complete silence is being send and played through dac~.
    Any ideas? even smallest hints where to look would be much appreciated :)

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  • uudza

    Sadly the problem remains.
    Any other ideas or maybe somebody has had simmilar glitch?
    It really seems that pd sends input to dac~ directly as autput from adc~ after some problem with audio processing or maybe the input in mic being too loud.

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  • uudza

    I have had many problems with my patches but this one is the weirdest and I can't seem to find the problem.
    I have 3 BeagleboneBlacks in a network,all communicating to each other,sending audio using streamin~ and streamout~ with some FX. All works well for some while,but then, suddenly,for no apparent reason one of my systems makes a glitch where it seems that it reroutes the incoming signal from streamin~ which should go to DAC~ (out to the speaker) to ADC~. To simplify the patch has streamin~ connected to DAC~ (speaker) and ADC~ (microphone) connected to streamout~. But after this glitch/crash happens to signal is comming in from the actual microphone or coming out to the actual speaker, but instead the streamin~ goes directly to streamout~/ DAC~ to ADC~. It seems that it changes something with the sound card or drivers just before it happens because there can be heard some pops and clicks in the speaker for a second.
    I am using PD on BeagleboneBlack, with usb sound card and OSS drivers.
    Any ideas/simmilar problems?

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  • uudza

    @EEight said:

    gdb --args /usr/bin/pd -path /home/me/pd-externals -nogui -etc
    Sorry, I'm not entirely sure I get this command. Could you explain more or at least what I should substitute with what?

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  • uudza

    And does PD autosave some files/logs/etc. somewhere? I thought maybe because it's read-only PD can't do save/write something, but as of now I only found that PD is only reading files unless of an object that writes something.

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  • uudza

    @EEight Thanks for such an fast reply.
    Yes, I tried many ways with 2>&1 | , &> , |& tee but somehow it doesn't run without gui,but the gui freezes, plus I can't access it normally(if the system is read-only and I try to access it through ssh (I'm on mac and the process is running on BBB which is linux).
    But maybe I'm doing something wrong. Could you give example for the command line you would use to do it?

    About GDB.
    Sadly no - I couldn't really understand it. I googled but could find a clear explanation. I'm not good with linux. Maybe you know if someone has written some guidelines for it?

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  • uudza

    First of all - you are an awesome community and huge help for someone like me.
    I am making a communication device that's working like the first telephones - you plug in jack which and it connects to a specific telephone and so on. The connection is done manually.
    I have one central phone with the jacks/plugs and two phones who you can call from the central. Plus some of the jacks triggers FX(for the voice). All that is done on three BeagleBone Blacks with sundcards using pure data. They are connected through wireless network (each BBB has an router - one access point and two clients).
    All BBB are configured to be read only, because this installation while be shut down with just turning off the electricity in the fuse box and I don't want the file system to get corrupt after few days.
    The system is doing some more things, but this is the base.
    The problem is - it all works fine for some while , but then the central/main BBB (I'm guessing) kills all the pure data processes in the network - on all of the three BeagleBones. And I can't find the reason id does that.
    I have tried many thins and it has come to the point where I need to ask for ideas.
    So here it goes:

    1. Can someone tell me the way to make a debugging mechanism that can take all the pd console comments and write them to file? I tried in many ways,but I failed. I tried to pipe it to a file, but it didn't work without gui(I'm running pd without gui to save CPU power), I tried to get the console comments inside pd and then add it via textfile, but i failed again.
    2. Could it be that some of these objects could cause the crash if there are two of them in patch or in external?
      -stremin~ / streamout~ (this object kills the GUI on linux, but seems to work fine without gui
      -netsend / netreceive~
      -delay (after load bang)
    3. could linux kill PD if the CPU usage jumps up to 90%? It usually is around 70-80 but maybe it peaks.
    4. Is it ok to just multiply audio signal (~) to amplify it? All the time i thought it's ok but recently I read that it can cause problems.
    5. Can I route two audio signals in one DAC~ inlet?

    Thanks for reading and I hope someone might have an idea about where could be the problem. I could also upload the patches if someone is interested to look at them.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!