I'm using pd for a while now, and I always wondered if it's possible to link several objects at once. sometimes I have dozens of modules that are outputed to the same object. and doing the links one by one takes an awful amount of time.
I need the matching messages to stay the same when routed, not to be turned into bang.
i know I can activate messages after routing but it means dozens (or even hundreds) of messages.
thanks in advance.
hi everybody
explanation of my problem :
config : ableton + touchOSC + loopMidi (also tryed midiyoke) (+ PD of course)
I use midi clips, sending CC data (1 cc per clip, only 1 channel used for midi output, to avoid wrong data) so I can use the CC value to make play position cursors on touchOSC.
in PD I set something like that :
[ctlin cc# ch#]
| |
| [Number) ***for monitor purpose, easier to read than [print]
[send /fader $1(
[sendOSC]My play position faders are sometimes working perfectly and sometimes they are glitchy, jittery.
at first i thought it was caused by the big number of OSC messages sent by puredata (I planned to do a trick that would filter values after [ctlin] so that it doesn't route redundant values and then only sends different OSC messages. but i got lazy and investigated elsewhere first)
I set a number object after [ctlin] and found that the values are delayed. sometimes cleanly delayed : everything coming late, and sometimes warped : everything ok, but some intermitent lower values. and sometimes for no reasons either it works perfectly. the delays are several seconds long.
in ableton i can see the cursor moving correctly all along the midi clip. if i turn off midi out from ableton during a delay, I still have midi activity for a few seconds in PD
other data are sent & received on time (OSC, midi out)
I only use 1 midi in and out in PD and ableton, via 2 loopMidi virtual cables. audio is off, no delay (1ms)
what could cause that ? it's either between ableton and PD or inside PD
thanks in advance
I'm wondering if it is possible to send this kind of data, directly to the OS (acting like an actual alphanum keyboard keys).
it's a bit hard to find with search engines since these keywords usually return stuff about midi keyboard and keys, nothing about computer keyboards.
thanks in advance.
I can't get [abs] to work. it outputs the same number than input (using 0.42.5-extended).
did I miss something
or is it bugging ?
I recently got an Ipad, got touchOSC, and now i'm trying to do my own very special controller, using pd since I have a PC.
so yep i'm a noob. i encountered many problems, fixed all of them except a ultimate one.
if I do a [dumpOSC "port #"] ----- [print] I can see that pd receives data when I tweak my touchosc dashboard.
my DAW also receives data from pd (if I tweak some toggles and sliders in pd I get some midi informations).
but for some reasons I cannot use the OSC messages, seems like I missed something with dumpOSC. what can prevent it to work correctly ?
i did a very simple layout [dumpOSC "port #"] - [OSCroute /"name"] - [ctlout #] (plus a print box)
"name" matches what appears in the main windwo via "print"
thanks in advance
works perfectly ok on mac
(this is some old thread, but I had to update it)
after some further monitoring with midiox while it was severely not working (almost all signal not reveived but still some rare ones reaching destination) my puredata layout was innocented since midiox also received almost nothing.
the virtual cable were innocented too since it happens whatever the virtual midi cable i use. (btw loopmidi counts midi messages, and when it's bugging no midi message is counted)
the problem obviously comes from ableton live but I can't seem to identify it (and my live setup doesn't have any complex mid trick, it's just supposed to send an awful lot of midi CCs).
nope (pretty sure), I double checked everything, even optimized it a bit.
the midi signal is delayed. not all the time. sometimes it works perfectly, and sometimes not.
I tryed to monitor it via midiox but that's way too much data at once (huge amount of CCs coming from ableton).
not sure you got what I meant.
I was just wondering if it's possible to select several modules (objects, messages...) and link them to a single other one by doing a selection (instead of doing each wire/link manuallly, which is quite boring when you have 80 stuff to link to 1 object).
btw I already overabuse of sends & receives.