• thep

    For anyone still suffering from this problem, I found a fix:

    For macbook pros, make sure any cds are already removed from the optical drive, then hold down CMD+EJECT+qvctyenniyp, then tap F8 repeatedly until you hear a beep. After this, pressing Enter should produce tildes. To reset, hold down the same combination of keys, but backwards.

    Hope this helps someone

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thep

    I don't know if I'm understanding you correctly, but it seems like you think that the [savepanel] object has something to do with the actual saving of the soundfile.

    It doesn't it just generates a filename. It's the 'write' message being sent to the soundfiler which causes the soundfiler object to write to disk.

    My suggestion is this:

    [counter] (assuming this outputs a float when you bang the top)
    [makesymbol sound%s.wav]
    |write $1(

    The makesymbol will take whatever float you send it and output a symbol soundXXX.wav (the %s in the argument is replaced by whatever float you input to the object). The write $1 then prepends write to the filename, and sends the instruction to soundfiler to write the wav file.


    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!