• tenthousand

    I've got an 828 and it works great. Your really shouldn't have any problems with any interface which has system drivers - and as far as I know the digi ones are the only ones that might not.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    the .pdrc should just go in your home directory, but if it's not working you can always just write a regular script that starts pd with all the options you want..

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    You don't need to mess with any CVS files to get it to compile, and ideally you should just be able to tye "make", then "make install". Also take a peak in the make file to be sure it is looking in the right directory for the files it needs. particularly 'm_pd.h'

    However, I just reinstalled everything on my mac, and upgraded to 10.3, and now I can't get zexy to compile!! so, I'm probably doing something wrong too.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    I've realized that my above response is slightly off, the "abs~", should be a "wrap~" sorry.

    also, take a look at a basic looper I've made, it may help you out if you haven't figured it all out already...


    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    I'm not sure how to best explain this, but I'll give it a shot now, and I'll upoad a patch later today...

    I'm sure you've got a "phasor~" which is driving the "tabread4", what you need to do is connect a "snapshot~" to the output of the "phasor~" which, when banged, captures the current value, then subtracts it from the output of the phasor. run that through an "abs~" and you'll be good.

    (except abs~ might be in the zexy external.... but hey, you should get that anyhow.)

    <<phasor~ X>>
    | &#92;
    | &#92; <bang>
    | &#92; |
    | <<snapshot~ >>
    | |
    << -~ >>
    <<abs~ >>

    I hope that helps. ...and I may have the inputs to "snapshot~" switched, I can't remember exactly how that goes off the top of my head.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    yea, I've tried to use pd for effects, and I've gotten some awsome sounds, but I can't seem to get the latency down to a managable amount with my system.

    I guess I need to upgrade.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    try starting it from the terminal.

    open a terminal, and goto the apps directory ( "cd /applications")
    ..and then run puredata ( "./pd")

    if you want a clickable icon you've got to write a script .

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    what's happening is this;
    when a note is hit a message is sent with the note number, velocity, channel, etc..., and when when it is released all of the same information is sent again, with the important difference that the velocity is zero.
    In your current patch the velocity is used to trigger the envelope, regardless of its value. To stop the double notes you need to filter out any velocities whose value is zero.

    A easy way to do that is with the "select" (or "sel") object.
    connect the second output of your "notein" with the first input of a "select 0", then connect the second output of the "select 0" to the "t" message box.

    (also check out the trigger object box, it will work better and be more flexible that the "t" message box that your patch currently uses)

    hope that all helps.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    now I've never tried it but...
    As I understand it the compiler that comes with cygwin is a spits out regular .exe files that *should* run outside of the cygwin environment.
    Cygwin runs normal windows executables in a environment thats more familiar to us 'nix geeks. At least thats how I understand it.
    I have compiled PD on Mac OS X, and had no problems, but on windows I understand that it is a little more difficult.

    what happened when you tried to compile it?

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    here, I made a few changes to the patch you posted... try it out. let me know what you think.


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    oh, sorry - the "j_dlop" object is just a few lowpass filters chained together, It's just there to keep the high frequency stuff under control. Go ahead and delete it, and if you can put a "~lop" (or two) in its place if you want.

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • tenthousand

    hell, this is what pd was designed for...
    It doesn't do exactly what you're looking for, but it will change the pitch of any input in realtime. It should help you figure out a way to get at your problem, and it's quite fun.

    [url=http://home.comcast.net/~jeffmiccolis/not_post/highup.pd.zip ]http://home.comcast.net/~jeffmiccolis/not_post/highup.pd.zip

    its an abstraction that will pitch-shift, and totally twist whatever you input into it. but sure to shift-click the controls, as they are pretty sensitive. enjoy.

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
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