I have a need for greater resolution in controlling one of my patches. My midi controller - the Behringer BCR2000 - can support 14-bit cc and nprn midi messages, which have up to 16383 steps of resolution (rather than the regular 127). Is there any ctlin or nprnin object out there that has suport for 14-bit messages? The regular pd ctlin doesn't.
Any suggestions?
I'm trying to track down Yves Degoyon's OSX/Linux Grid external for NT/XP, so I can install granular synthesis engine particlechamber (see http://puredata.info/community/patches). I found a few PD mailing list threads about a NT port of this external, but haven't been able to track it down. Anyone know where I can get this for NT/XP?
somewhere? I could make a patch that would do the same thing, but it would be so much more elegant if you could do riemann sums with an object ...
it would be really nice if you could select a certain object, and only see connections that go to or from that object ... and be able to add objects to this set of connections, so you could trace the path without having a clogged cable workspace
Nope, not that hard - look at mccallum's example - that's what he does. it's [nprnin] and [nprnout] in the /control folder.
hi megale, yes - i actually found an object in david mccallum's abstractions pack that did the job nicely. (http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html) check it out!
thank you for this interesting link. yadegari's dissertation is at UCSD, one of the places that i'm interested in applying to grad school at. i couldn't find anything about (bernard) riemann sums in the essay, only the work of philosopher hugo riemann, but yadegari's documentation on the [expr] argument - which are part of the helpfiles of pd - have been quite helpful.
CPNmouse (http://cpnmouse.sourceforge.net/) is a driver for Windows that has support for multiple mice. Maybe PD could pipe mouse data (emulate a mouse) in a way that CPNmouse recognizes as a second mouse?