do you mean something like [list tosymbol] & [list fromsymbol] ?
i found it in a patch posted here....http://www.danpprince.com/engineering/lp_util/
if you look at the last image on the page its used quite alot....ive been tring to get my head around his launchpad utils....iv managed to create my own patch based on his but demo (the last image) but not using the same expr he uses at it was just confusing me.....(although it looks quite 3lite)
expr if(!$f1 == 1, 1, 0,) piping a number box to the input of this will output a 1 ONLY when $f1 is 0......so it is a kind of NOT...:-)
it is kind of the opposite to expr if($f1 != 1, 1, 0) -
Hey there, could anyone tell me what the ! is for in the expr within the title...?
Hello boys and girls, ive never got the nightly build of pd-extended 0.43.1 to run on vista, its just not fair, im dying to try out the new tcl scripts on sindows, is there anyway i can help to get this running??(after a double click of pd.exe nothing happens, the wsh.exe is displayed in task manager)
I could throw a load of unreadable debug info at you if it would help???(if i knew how to turn it on;-)
I know, Im just not a patient bunny, i would gladly fight someone to the death if that is whats needed.(Pd is fooking ace by the way)
this is problem with the intel gpu driver and has been fixed on the driver side......bug report here....
http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/1084/ -
I have a crash similar to this, except its on 32bit UbuntuStudio and I dont have to type anything, it will just kill ubuntu back to the login screen after a few seconds, i will post a bug report today.....
quite annoying as pd is one of the reason i installed U.S., but,,,,thats life, im sure it will get fixed, il just have to use the win version. -