...configuring the LED on my TouchOSC layout to the display the counts from Ableton Live?
When I enter the port number into my iPod, this always appears.
OSCroute /1 /2 /3 /4
... couldn't create
OSCroute /fader1 /fader2 /fader3 /fader4 /fader5 /toggle1 /toggle2 /toggle3 /toggle4
... couldn't create
OSCroute /push1 /push2 /push3 /push4 /push5 /push6 /push7 /push8 /push9 /push10 /push11 /push12 /push13 /push14 /push15 /push16 /toggle1 /toggle2 /toggle3 /toggle4
... couldn't create
OSCroute /xy /toggle1 /toggle2 /toggle3 /toggle4
... couldn't create
grid grid1 200 0 200 200 0 200 0 1 1 10 10 485.768 249.775
... couldn't create
OSCroute /multitoggle /toggle1 /toggle2 /toggle3 /toggle4
... couldn't create
dumpOSC 8000
... couldn't createCan anyone help me with this?
Well don't I feel dumb. I just re-installed PD and everything worked like a charm. Thanks nonetheless, through your knowledge I learned more about PD as a program.
Nope. Nothing. It seems like the Ipod cannot connect to the system at all.